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Scholarships to Legacy High School and Rocky Mountain High School.

Scholarship Amount: $1,000

This scholarship payment will be sent directly to the selected college/university for application to the student’s amount for use at the college/university for tuition purposes. Should the student not attend or withdraw from school, unused funds must be returned to the Broomfield Community Foundation and the Christopher Reagan Memorial Scholarship Fund.


Candidates for this scholarship must be a senior of the Legacy High School Soccer Teams, or a senior at Rocky Mountain High School, male or female. Candidates must attend an institution of higher learning or trade school in post secondary study.

Application Procedure:

The completed application form, transcript, letter of recommendations and attachments must be returned to Legacy High School Athletic Secretary no later than April 19, 2024.


Final selection of the scholarship winner will be made no later than April 29, 2024.  Scholarship winner will be announced at the Senior Desert on May 2, 2024.

Christopher Reagan Memorial Golf Tournament

Funding for the scholarship, in large part, comes from the Christopher Reagan Memorial Golf Tournament.  This tournament will take place Friday, June 21st at Coyote Creek Golf Club.  Join us in support of a great cause!  See the boys soccer website and Facebook for more details...or click this link.